The very first achievement is right at the start of the FP, it’s called Admiring the View. You may see Shae Vizla in a couple of these images, she was mostly on passive for the bosses, just used to speed up clearing trash. These numbers are derived from the fact that my group (all NiM raiders) was able to comfortably 3-man the FP in MM with a single DPS. In MM, Secrets of the Enclave seems to require that each DPS player contributes about 10k single target DPS, which is only about 40-50% of what an individual DPS spec is capable of doing in full 306 gear with blue augs, where a single DPS player can do about 22k single target DPS. Fights quickly become very challenging if you aren’t able to meet the DPS checks. Proper cooldown use from everyone and high healing numbers can also significantly mitigate the punishment by not correctly following some mechanics.Ī lot of the mechanics in this FP are centered around doing sufficient DPS. If your DPS is higher than required, you can just skip some mechanics outright and you will be less likely to be overwhelmed by multiple mechanics happening at the same time.

Knowing your spec well can make everything feel a lot easier.